Globcoin ICO Investment Tools of The Rich Available for the Common People

Hello guys and welcome to my blog in this Article I would like to talk about Globcoin but before I begin I would like to invite you to Bookmark to YPCPramedia and also leave a like for this article so Globecoin to put it simple guys will preserve the value of your money so how will I do that it's simple to let's say your currency.

Let's take dollar for example although it's not the situation in real life let's say the dollar you have a thousand dollars and you want to preserve the value of those a thousand dollars how can you do that well if you are a multi-millionaire or a billionaire it's simple you buy a currency basket but if you are
a simple man with a thousand dollars in your pocket how do you do that well till now you can't but from now on you can do something about it.

You are investing in globe coin and as I said till now only big players only people with a lot of money could preserve the value of their money the people couldn't and Globcoin basically gives you the power allows you to preserve the value of your money and how will they do that well it's simple it will offer a currency basket which.

Will basically consist of 15 largest global currencies in the world plus gold in different proportions depending on their strength and guessing on the white paper you can find a lot of formulas to help you better understand how they calculate everything and so on if you're you know if you like math it shouldn't be hard to understand.

Everything course is not necessarily related to math so yeah you can take a look at the white paper to completely understand how everything or works but of course there will be some let's say secrets which should not be which are not going to be disclosed by the global cooling company because well they have to sell their product and guys let's check the Globcoin crypto platform what does it offer so the platform will enable the launch of customized.

Currency basket for a variety of uses crisis baskets are portfolios of selected currencies with different waiting's so the accessibility flexibility stability and scalability will be given by the globe coin crypto platform.

Guys as I said he will be able to preserve the value of your of the currency of your money so there is a maximum number of 40 1,900,000 GCP tokens one ethereum will be worth 100 GCP tokens and you can contribute with minimum 0.1 ethereum that's around a hundred and ten dollars the maximum effort to be collected is 5000 after and the maximum the hard cap is 150,000 ethereum there will be almost 60 16 millions of token generated during the crowd sale during the pre-sale there
will be 5 million tokens and for the business development 30% will be held that's around 12 million 500 tokens and the team will also keep a million tokens the theme meaning Advisors and early backers here we have different examples of-currency basket actually it's just one there will be multi multi-currency payment card along with you know it's a Globcoin, of course, you can read more about it in.

Here yeah so guys the ico starts in four days in seven hours if you are interested to participate there is a hot link is below which will take you to the Globcoin website.

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